
accessible toilets

Wheelchair accessible toilets can be found on every floor in the NU building and on the following locations in the main building: HG-0CT5, HG-1CT3, HG-1CT0, HG-3AT0, HG-6AT5, HG-8AT5, HG-12AT5.

Gender-inclusive toilets

Information about gender-inclusive toilets can be found here:


Information on lockers can be found here:

Service animal

Guide dogs/service animals are allowed inside VU buildings.

Parents with children

For feeding a baby or getting one to fall asleep, you may use the building’s designated breastfeeding room (HG-0E10), but please come to the NomadIT office (Forum 2, first floor, main building) to gain access.

Alternatively, you can feed a baby in one of the seminar rooms also set aside for this for the duration of the conference: HG-09A33 in the main building and NU-2B01 at NU.

Quiet rooms

NOT to be used for working (for a quiet workspace, the University Library may be your best option): HG1A53 is the designated quiet room at VU, meant for those who need to overcome anxiety, to meditate or simply sit in quiet contemplation.

Please come to the NomadIT office (Forum 2, first floor, main building) for directions.

In addition, we have set aside a room in both buildings as quiet spaces, that can be accessed directly (the door will be open): HG-10A36 in the main building, NU-4B01 in NU.

Work rooms

For doing some work on your laptop, please head to HG-12A36 in the main building (won’t be available on Friday), NU-5A71 in NU (available all conference days), or the University Library in the main (HG) building.

Step-free access

For step-free access in main (HG) building to the Aula, Auditorium and the Forum rooms, please use elevator D (marked as such on the signs). For step-free access to the Foodplaza (lower ground floor) and the surrounding seating area, please use elevator C (marked as such on the signs).

Forest Festival

For those who require mobility assistance to reach the festival, we offer a taxi service. Taxi vans, including a wheelchair-accessible bus, will shuttle those guests to the festival site. Taxis will be waiting in front of the VU’s main building from 14:30 onwards.

For detailed questions regarding accessibility please ask the people at the VU front desk for help.

For special needs please contact conference(at)